
Help advance His Kingdom by donating here to help us reach and inspire others across Alaska and the world.

Build His Kingdom with Us

Every gift you give to Kingdom Alliance Network is more than a donation—it’s a seed planted for eternal impact. Your support equips leaders, mobilizes communities, and brings hope to generations across Alaska and the nations.

Together, we can empower voices to proclaim God’s truth, unite diverse cultures in worship, and commission individuals to step boldly into their God-given callings. When you give, you become an essential part of a Spirit-led movement that is transforming lives and advancing His Kingdom.

Help Us Build Our Sanctuary

There is a great need in Alaska where so many people feel lonely without deep connection to each other and to God. The desire is not about having a building, but a place where people can experience the Lord with a community of believers and leaders that are dedicated to equipping, empowering and training people in the gifts of faith and love.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10 NIV


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